Oil Symmetrical Paintings

by Paranoid Loid 

When the 2020 Coronavirus lock downs and quarantine began Loid purchased the iPad Pro, Apple Pencil and the painting app ProCreate. With those tools he developed a new form of art. In 2024 he began creating Oil Symmetrical Paintings  

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After a month of frustration at being unable to draw or paint anything that he liked, Loid found ProCreate's radial symmetry guide. The symmetry guide is a tool that is present in every painting and drawing program that has ever existed. That is when he stopped TRYING to make art and instead began to slowly and deliberately PULL infinitely random abstract art into this world from some other dimension where it seemed to have already existed. He had done this 20 years earlier while living in Rome, Italy with the painting program Corel Draw where he created about 10 paintings that his oldest friend told him looked like mandalas

The words Symmetrical Painting seemed to describe this new form of art better than the word mandala. Mandalas are always circular, much more repetitive and evoke prejudged design expectations. All paintings on this website began as random scribbles made while in a trance like state trying to deal with a period in modern history that at times felt like the end of the world. 

These paintings are some of Loid's favorites out of over one thousand that he created throughout the unforgettable years of the Coronavirus.

Oil Symmetrical Paintings

36 x 36 inches Oil on Canvas

The Desert WastelandFeburary 2024 - Present

4 Dried Grams Psilocybin Cubensis

36 x 36 in Oil on Canvas
The Desert Wasteland
March 2024

The Liars

36 x 36 in Oil on Canvas
The Desert Wasteland
April 2024

Non-Terrestrial Autopsy

36 x 36 in Oil on Canvas
The Desert Wasteland
April 2024

Love Said,"It Looks Angelic"

36 x 36 in Oil on Canvas
The Desert Wasteland
May 2024

Fabregé Egg From Mars

36 x 36 in Oil on Canvas
The Desert Wasteland
July 2024

More Oil Symmetrical Paintings Coming Soon